Career advice – Accept Offer / Counter Offer
The hard work has finally paid off. Take a moment to celebrate your success and begin to review the offer thoroughly before acceptance. Be transparent with your recruiter to negotiate the time you need to make the right career decision. If you are uncertain about something when it comes to the offer, be open and honest If you are uncertain about something when it comes to the offer, be open and honest about your thoughts. Ask before you accept to avoid miscommunication and disappointment after.Offers
Most offers will deliver in a written format which is easy to understand.
- Job Title
- Job Duties and Responsibilities
- Salary
- Benefits
- Work hours
- Terms, depending on companies
- Expect on-board date (if applicable)
Counter Offer
- Sometimes you may receive an offer that is under your expectations which we suggested you review the pros and cons for your current employment against the new offering. Salary and compensation packages are highly measured; They are not the only elements to build a successful, long-term career. You may also consider company values, culture, people and the reason you would look for a change of career as a start.
Salary negotiation
Usually, this negotiation process only happens to the more experienced positions, based on the market price level, your past work achievements and experiences and abilities. Most entry-level position’s salary and benefits are final set in stone which does not allow for the opportunity of negotiation.
Accept before share
Ensure you communicate your job offer acceptance to your recruiter before sharing to the world as things could change timely. Make sure you meet all pre-employment key-dates. When the employment is confirmed, stay in touch with your recruiter/ manager regarding the onboarding processes and the logistics of your first work day. Welcome on board.